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What’s available in the Fruit & Nut District? | Ashurst Group

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A commonly sought after neighborhood in Fairhope is the Fruit and Nut District.  It gets its name due to the fact that most of the streets in that area are named after fruits or nuts (Pecan Ave., Orange Ave. , Kumquat St., etc.) The reason it is so desirable is that most of the neighborhood is walking distance to downtown Fairhope or the bay.  Many times people associate this area with high priced houses, but that’s not necessarily the case.  Currently the price range for houses in the Fruit and Nut District range from $225,000 to $875,000.

Pictures of some of the homes currently available are shown above.  If you’d like to see everything available in the Fruit & Nut District, click here.

The realtors at Ashurst Group will be happy to show you these houses anytime.  You can look on our website for any and all houses on the eastern shore and the gulf.

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