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Mugshots – It’s Coming to Daphne!!! | Ashurst Group


If you’ve never had a burger from Mugshots, let me tell you, they are great.



My first Mugshots burger was at their Tuscaloosa location several years ago, when I lived there.  Once they opened, there was talk all over town about how good Mugshots burgers were.  I thought, How good can a burger be?  Well, I found out – these are fantastic.  What makes them truly fabulous is the bun, yes, the bun.  Of course the burger is great too, but the combination just works!!!

So, where are they coming?  Their newest location is being built right across from Sam’s in Daphne/Malbis.  It’s a brand new building that is also the home to Tropical Smoothie Cafe.  This is a super family friendly restaurant.  My boys were about 6 and 9 when they first ate at Mugshots.  Somehow they found out that they could get root beer in a frosted mug.  And to them, that was really cool.  After talking to my now 17 year old about the new Mugshots, he actually brought up the memory of the root beer in the frosted mug.  He hasn’t been there in years,  stuck with him I guess.

For a quick history on how Mugshots got started, click here.  Basically it was two young men right out of college who, after years of hard work, made their dream a reality.

While we aren’t sure when they are opening, I do know they are advertising for hiring right now.  So watch for them to open soon and let us know if you find out!

Looking for a home so you can enjoy all the wonderful things coming to our little corner of southern Alabama?  Give us a call 251-929-2150, or visit our website,,  and see what’s on the market!

#mugshots, #mugshotsdaphne,

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