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Have You Seen This? – Yarn Bombing | Ashurst Group

8575cba7183204bcd4081a38b62c6a00[1]yarnbombing-trees-Resized1[1]yarn-bombing-telephone (01202 558833) Picture: Collect A more gentle than traditional Guerilla art campaign is spreading across the globe - 'Yarn bombing' involves women leaving knitted reminders on objects as varied as trees, lampposts & even a bus. The craze that started in America has now spread to the UK with the 'artist' taking pictures of their work and putting them on the internet. Magda Sayeg from the all female guerilla knitting group 'Knitta Please' has covered an entire bus in Mexico City

One of my favorite sites to visit on the internet is  If you haven’t checked it out, make sure you have a lot of time when you do, it’s fascinating.  You can find talks by experts that last no longer than 20 minutes.  Look it up, I promise you won’t be disappointed.

So I found this on there yesterday – yarn bombing.  The picture of the bus covered in yarn had me hooked, I had to find out more.  After watching a five minute video I discovered that a lady in the US, Magda Sayeg, started all of this by simply knitting a door pull for her sliding glass door.  She then decided to knit the stop sign in her front yard.  When she noticed people’s bewildered yet enthusiastic response, she said she couldn’t stop.  This has since become a world wide craze.  An all female guerilla knitting group called ‘Knitta Please’ has covered this entire bus in Mexico City (pictured above).

What I love about Magda’s story is that she is a math major.  She’s not a master knitter, she says she couldn’t knit a sweater if she had to.  Sayeg says. “Hidden power can be found in the most unassuming places, and we all possess skills that are just waiting to be discovered.”  I have found these words to be very true.  To see her story, click here.

Hope this brightens your day!



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