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Fairhope’s Ties to the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum

Anyone who has been to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC, undoubtedly remembers the massive replica of the Wright Brothers first airplane. One also might remember seeing the impressive 8’ x 10’ painting of the Wright Brother’s plane imposed against the Statue of Liberty. This beautiful painting is the creation of Fairhope’s own, Dean Mosher. It was commissioned to be one of the main events commemorating the centennial of the passing of Wilbur Wright.

Six years after the Wright Brothers defied gravity with their self-propelled flight at Kitty Hawk, N.C., Wilbur Wright circled the Statue of Liberty in another of their inventions. Mosher was given personal access to sift through items at The Library of Congress, Smithsonian Archives, Wright State Archives, the Wright Family and the Statue of Liberty to create “Wilbur Wright Greets Lady Liberty.” The painting depicts the historic flight which occurred on September 29, 1909.

Our little town of Fairhope is full of world famous artists. If you want more information about joining us, please contact one of our agents!  Ashurst Group

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